TSA 14th Annual Conference Call for Papers

On 6 - 8 July 2015 the Transatlantic Studies Association will host its 14th Annual Conference at the Roosevelt Study Center in Middelburg, the Netherlands.

Established in 2002, the TSA is a broad network of scholars who use the ‘transatlantic’ as a frame of reference for their work in political, economic, cultural, historical, environmental, literary, and IR/security studies. All transatlantic-themed paper and panel proposals from these disciplines are welcome. The Middelburg conference also encourages proposals / panels that:

  1. investigate the relevance and significance of the ‘transatlantic’ for a certain discipline or field;
  2. that explore it through frames of reference such as ideology, empire, race, religion, migration, political mobilisation, or social movements;
  3. that incorporate perspectives that involve north-south and south-south transatlantic connections, as well as north-north;
  4. that link the ‘transatlantic’ to other key perspectives such as the transnational or the cosmopolitan.

Both panel proposals and individual papers are welcome. Panel proposals are encouraged to include a discussant. New members and junior scholars are especially welcome.

Please send individual paper proposals (a 300 word abstract + brief CV) and complete panel proposals (300 word overview + 300 word abstracts for the papers + brief CVs) to the conference email: 2015TSA14@gmail.com

Deadline for panel and paper proposals: 1 January 2015

Keynote Lectures:

Jessica Gienow-Hecht (Free University, Berlin)

Inderjeet Parmar (City University, London)

Plenary Roundtable:

The Transatlantic Paradigm Reconsidered 


Due to limited accommodation options in the town of Middelburg, it is highly recommended that participants organize their accommodation as early as possible. Every effort will therefore be made to accept proposals as soon as possible after the 1 January deadline.

The Roosevelt Study Center can be contacted at rsc@zeeland.nl for information on accommodation options.

TSA Chair and local conference organiserGiles Scott-Smith: g.scott-smith@zeeland.nl

Conference committeeVictor Gavin, Mark Meirowitz, Alexandre Moreli, Sirpa Salenius, Roberta ter Haar, Pia Wiegmink, David Woolner

For further information on the Association please visit www.transatlanticstudies.com